From Volunteer to Full-Time Job
Mario was introduced to The Arc of Ventura County upon completion of his education at Fillmore High School. As a student, Mario served as a teacher’s assistant and volunteered at his local Boys & Girls Club. He enjoyed mentoring kids and knew that he wanted to work in a position that would allow him to continue to make a difference with the youth in his community.
Through his participation in The Arc’s Internship Program, Mario’s employment goals were identified and he was soon placed in his very first job as a Custodial Assistant at Fillmore Elementary School. Mario enjoys his job and looks forward to going to work every day. He has many responsibilities and a busy schedule to make sure the school grounds are ready to meet the daily needs of its students. His position enables him to interact and establish friendships with everyone. He is greatly appreciated, well-liked, and respected by the students and faculty alike. According to his supervisor, “Mario takes great pride in his work and always has a smile on his face. We love having him here.”
Mario O. was provided pre-employment and on-the-job coaching by The Arc of Ventura County, a recipient of The Arc@Work’s Innovative Approaches to Community-Based Employment grant.