About Us
The Arc of the Quad Cities Area is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with its headquarters located in Rock Island, Illinois. Founded in 1952, The Arc mission is to empower people with disabilities to believe in their own unique abilities and achieve their full potential by providing quality, innovative services that focus on inclusion, advocacy, independence, employment, meaningful community life and personal happiness. Through residential options, day programming, work services, and advocacy efforts, The Arc serves the needs of individuals throughout the Quad Cities Area.
The Arc’s programs are designed to meet a range of needs. As intellectual and developmental disabilities exist across a broad spectrum, so too do The Arc’s services and supports. From 24-hour residential care to intermittent job coaching, our programs are designed to meet the varied and changing needs of the individuals we serve.
We staff The Arc’s programs with skilled, caring people who value above all the well-being of the individuals with whom they work. Each day, our 265 employees demonstrate The Arc’s key values: Respect, Commitment, Initiative, Teamwork, Flexibility, and Excellence.
The Arc’s Vision Statement: All people’s abilities will be valued and respected by the community so every person has the opportunity to achieve their best life.
The Arc of the United States is the largest national community-based organization advocating for and serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. We encompass all ages and all spectrums from autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X and various other developmental disabilities. The Arc is driven by opportunity. The opportunity for hope, for growth, for change; the opportunity for everyone to become a valued, contributing member of their community.
Who We Are
Staff Testimonial
“My 15+ years at the Arc of the Quad Cities Area has been outstanding. Interacting with the amazing individuals that we have here is what makes me get out of bed every day. I never say “I don’t want to go to work”. I love my job. As the individuals learn from me, I also learn a lot from them. They teach me about people skills and how to be a good human being. We work to make these peoples lives ordinary by finding ways to teach them new skills in an extraordinary way.” -Katrina Obertance, Program Supervisor
CARF Accreditation
The mission of CARF is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services through a consultative accreditation process and continuous improvement services that center on enhancing the lives of persons served.
The Arc is funded by IDHS whose mission is to provide equitable access to social/human services, supports, programs and resources to enhance the lives of all who they serve.