As a non-profit, The Arc relies on donations from the community in order to support individuals with disabilities. Our mission is to empower people with disabilities to believe in their own unique abilities and achieve their full potential. You can take part in our mission by volunteering or donating. See below other ways you can help.
Cash Donations
Monetary donations are always graciously accepted and make it possible for The Arc to continue our important mission!
Recurring Donations
Recurring donations charged to your card add up to a big gift to The Arc and help sustain our mission!
Wish List Donations
The Arc of the Quad Cities Area has a Wish List of everyday items we use in our residential program to keep our group homes well stocked with all the things people need to keep clean, organized, and comfortable. Donations are accepted anytime and are much appreciated.
Amazon Christmas Wish List
Our Amazon Wish List – Ever wonder what to get that special someone? With a few clicks, you can give to someone with disabilities with our Amazon Wish List. Amazon makes giving easy and without the guesswork. All items have been selected with care and will go directly to the group home of your choosing. You can also help people with disabilities by using AmazonSmile when shopping for us or yourself. Use and select The Arc of the Quad Cities Area as your charity and a percentage of your sales will come back to us. Win-win.
Donate to the Hygiene Closet
It’s the little things that make people comfortable and happy. For people with disabilities with limited means, these little things mean a lot.
Donate your Holiday Greeting Cards
Any holiday will do. We’ll make sure people with disabilities who do not regularly receive a greeting cards get something special around the holidays.