Help The Arc Endow the Future.
We are asking for your help to reach our goal of raising $70,000 for The Arc Emergency Assistance Fund at The Moline Foundation and $70,000 for The Arc of the Quad Cities Iowa Endowment at the Quad City Community Foundation. As always, you can include a donation to The Arc of the Quad Cities Area’s Wilber L. Burress Endowment which provides a secure, permanent source of funds that strengthens and provides stability for The Arc’s services and supports. We have until 2024 to reach our goal. Be a part of The Arc’s Future, so we can keep the promise set by our founders in 1952, that to bridge a better, more inclusive and accepting future will not remained unfinished. A future that unites both sides of the river and connects our common goals and destiny.
Here’s where your gift can go:
- The Arc of the Quad Cities Iowa Endowment supports the Enhanced Horizons and The Arc of the Quad Cities Iowa Holiday Party. This endowment is located at the Quad Cities Community Foundation.
- The Arc Emergency Assistance Fund supports people served by The Arc who need direct financial assistance on an emergency basis. The endowment is located at The Moline Foundation.
- Wilber L. Burress Endowment supports The Arc of the Quad Cities Area’s services and supports. This endowment is managed by the Wilber L. Burress Trustees.
Please use the form below to direct your gift