People with intellectual disabilities are sexually assaulted at seven times the rate of people without disabilities. Talk About Sexual Violence gives health care professionals the tools they need to have simple, direct, and honest conversations with their patients about an all too common experience faced by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) – sexual violence.
Health care professionals are in a frontline position to educate their patients about, and potentially stop or prevent, sexual violence and abuse. The challenge is they have little or no experience talking about this issue with people who have I/DD. Also, people with I/DD are unlikely to raise the topic on their own. They may not know what constitutes sexual violence or how to describe it.
The Talk about Sexual Violence project is made possible by a grant from the WITH Foundation and in partnership with the Board Resource Center.
What You Can Do: Project Tools
Access our videos and accompanying resources to support health care professionals to talk to their patients with I/DD about sexual violence.
Additional Resources
Resources for victims and information on mandatory reporting laws, how to communicate with patients, peer advocacy, and prevention.
Survivor Perspectives
Two survivors of sexual violence discuss their experiences and journey of healing.